Meet the FIA that offers previously elusive sales opportunities such as acceptance of Inherited IRAs, NQ Stretches, and more.
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Rate Change Notification
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Rates are increasing,
effective 1/15/2025,
on Legacy exclusive products!
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Yes! We Take That
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Tired of limited product offerings
for your clients’ special circumstances?
Introducing JourneyMark, the fixed indexed annuity that meets diverse client needs and offers previously elusive sales opportunities.
  JourneyMark Most FIAs
3-in-1 product versatility: accumulation focused, liquidity focused, or income focused. YES NO
Backed by a carrier with an A+ AM Best rating* and a 96 Comdex ranking.** YES NO
Accepts Inherited IRAs, Inherited Roth IRAs, and Nonqualified Stretches.
Inherited IRAs are available with eligible beneficiaries only.
Allows for trust or corporation ownership.†† YES NO
Available for older clients—ages 86–90 with a five-year duration. YES NO
Approved in 49 states and DC.§ YES NO
Offers a true income doubler option for declining health—no state exclusions.§ YES NO
That’s just the beginning.
Discover JourneyMark,
the Legacy-exclusive FIA issued by
Integrity Life Insurance Company, a proud member of Western & Southern Financial Group.
Call the Legacy Marketing Group® Marketing Field Support Team, 800-395-1053, Ext. 4002, or your IMO.
Legacy Marketing Group Logo
JourneyMark is issued by Integrity Life Insurance Company, Cincinnati, OH, which operates in DC and all states except NY. W&S Financial Group Distributors, Inc. (doing business as W&S Financial Insurance Services in CA) is an affiliated life insurance agency of the issuer. All companies are members of Western & Southern Financial Group. For use with Modified Single Premium Deferred Annuity Contract With Indexed Interest Options and Market Value Adjustment Feature series ICC20 INT-17 2004, ICC20 IR.39 GLWB 2004, ICC20 IR.40 ELG 2004, ICC20 IR.41 AB 2004, ICC20 IR.42 2004 WWC. Product and feature availability, as well as benefit provisions, vary by state. JourneyMark products are designed and exclusively marketed by Legacy Marketing Group, an independent agency. JourneyMark is a registered service mark of Legacy Marketing Group. Issuer has sole financial responsibility for its products.
Integrity Life Insurance Company ratings are correct as of 1/25/2024, and are subject to change. Ratings refer to the claims-paying ability of the insurance company and do not reflect the performance or safety of any investment product. The rating agencies listed are independent of each other and use proprietary evaluation criteria and rating scales.
* AM Best—Superior ability to meet ongoing insurance obligations (second highest of 13 ratings; rating held since June 2009).
** The Comdex Ranking—The Comdex Ranking is a composite of the financial strength ratings as determined by Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, AM Best, and Fitch ratings. It ranks insurers on a scale of 1 to 100 (where 1 is the lowest) in an effort to reduce confusion over ratings because each rating agency uses a different scale.
Not available with Expanse Rider. Refer to the Funding Acceptance Chart for details.
†† Refer to the Funding Acceptance Chart for details.
§ JourneyMark is not available in New York.
No bank guarantee. Not a deposit. May lose value. Not FDIC/NCUA insured. Not insured by any federal government agency.